Author: Poppy

Poppy is UnlimitU's founder and principal success coach. "Every human has more potential, hidden, held back or in the making"
29 Aug 2022

Micro-Coach: How to optimise your stress

Micro-Coach: How to optimise your stress   Does stress feel like a lurking enemy in your busy life?   We are more resilient to stress than we think. We often fear and push away stress, but when we learn to manage it better, stress can become our ally rather than our enemy.   In this [...]
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11 Jul 2022

Micro-Coach: Play to your strengths. Supercharge your performance

Micro Coach: Play to your strengths. Supercharge your performance.   Have you considered how powerful your self-awareness and natural strengths might be to boosting your mental fitness, plus improving your performance and happiness at work and in life?   These 2 small but mighty human skills live within each of us. When we tap into [...]
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02 May 2022

Work-Life Balance: is it possible for working parents? 5 top tips.

We hear a lot about the importance of ‘work-life balance’ these days, but when you’re a working parent, is this utopian ideal even possible? It’s a question many working parents wrestle with regularly, daily even. Working parents are required to navigate many big, and often competing demands. It’s a constant juggle, and one requiring lots [...]
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26 Apr 2022

Supporting working mums to lean into their careers with confidence

ABOUT: What stops women from leaning into what they really want at work? On the Well Workplaces #podcast we have gone on a journey with Poppy Griffiths on the #workingparents podcast mini-series. To close out the working parents focus we are talking today about arguably the most important and impactful people in the working parents [...]
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19 Apr 2022

Setting working dads up for success at work and home

ABOUT: Are you a high performing juggling struggling working Dad? The changing desires and needs of working Dads in the last decade has been great to see. It is well documented that working Dad's want to be more hands on with care giving duties as well as still manage career progression. With more workplaces bringing [...]
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28 Mar 2022

Managing Time, Energy & Great Habits as a Working Parent

ABOUT: I'm excited to be chatting with Poppy Griffiths on the Well Workplaces working parents mini podcast series. In this #linkedinlive we will discuss easy techniques working parents can use to understand in real terms, what they should be doing more of, and what they should be cutting out of their week. We will unpack [...]
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16 Mar 2022

Micro-Coach: How to be the Courageous Leader you are!

Leaning into being the courageous leader YOU ARE! (designed especially for the many talented women out there + time poor professionals looking for a bit of coaching support).   5 simple ideas in 5 quick minutes.   In this Micro-Coach you will learn to: 💥 See yourself as a leader 💥 Get clear on who [...]
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14 Mar 2022

Mastering overwhelm & guilt for working parents

ABOUT: As a parent one of the biggest stressors I have is finding the balance in being present at work while consistently spending cherished time with family and children. Finding the sweet spot for managing career throughout working parenthood but also mastering the guilt and overwhelm that comes with it is always at the forefront [...]
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