Month: February 2023

27 Feb 2023

Micro-Coach: How to find an ally at work!

Micro-Coach: How do you find an ally at work!   Find an ally & be an ally for others. This is the superpower for a successful and happy career journey for everyone.   As a working parent and a huge supporter of women doing well in work and life, I am a big fan of [...]
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07 Feb 2023

How do I actually show empathy? MENTALLY FIT TEAMS

Familiar with the buzzword 'empathy' or being reminded continually of the importance of 'empathetic leadership?'   Yet are you left wondering... 'how do I actually show empathy at work?'   You are not alone. As a professional coach supporting organisations get 'the human stuff' right, I often hear comments from leaders and team members such [...]
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