WEBINAR EVENT: How to build a mentally fit culture at work
Poppy Griffiths is Director & Founder of UnlimitU High Performance Coaching, a neuroscience qualified professional coach and speaker with 2 decades of senior business & leadership experience with Qantas Group & Swisse Wellness.
UnlimitU works with industry, business, government, schools and elite sport clubs across Australia, New Zealand & Asia Pacific. We are passionate about enabling people, teams, and leaders to show up at their best in work and life. Were amplify workplace culture, leadership effectiveness, team performance and wellbeing.
Poppy is strong advocate for working parents, women in leadership, and mentally fit leaders and teams. A 13 year R U OK? ambassador and media spokesperson, and previous Board Chair for Nutrition Australia.
If you are interested in high performance event speaking, group workshops, 1:1 coaching or advisory for your organisation, leaders or teams, please get in touch. poppy@unlimitu.com.au
Wellness by the Water Cooler webinar was hosted in August 2024 with Dr. Natalie Flatt and High Performance Coach and Director of UnlimitU, Poppy Griffiths.
You can watch the episode on Youtube. Click image above.
In the webinar, Nat and Poppy discuss how to build mentally fit team cultures; where everyone is playing to their strengths, engaging in trusting relationships, and optimising work demand stress.
Some of the discussed strategies and everyday actions for leaders and teams include: