14 Aug 2024

Join our Working Parent Bootcamp Experience | Oct 2024

We warmly invite your workplace to join our 3 week online & live Q&A Bootcamp experience.

Designed to support all working parents and managers




Dates & What to expect


Week 1 | 25-31 October

Navigating career transitions with greater confidence and success

Week 2 | 1-8 November

Removing everyday stress with the right working parent and manager conversations

Week 3 | 9-15 November

Who’s doing it best? Working parent best practice case studies


Download 1 page Bootcamp Invitation to share details with your workplace


Bootcamp Inclusions

  • 3 weekly topic videos hosted on ParentTV
  • 3 weekly live 45 min Q&A sessions answering questions from bootcamp participants from across diverse industries. Hosted and facilitated by Poppy Griffiths, High Performance Coach & Director of UnlimitU and Sam Jockel, CEO of ParentTV
  • All recorded sessions made accessible to your organisation for 12 months post Bootcamp
  • Simple & easy access for all. ParentTV sends a link for your organisation to share with your employees. Participants provide their name and email to join the Bootcamp experience. Participants read and accept ParentTV T&C’s and privacy policy upon their registration. Through the ParentTV platform, participants watch the weekly videos in their own time, submit their Q&A questions and join the live weekly Q&A sessions. All sessions are recorded and made available to organisations to share on for those who miss the live experiences. For terms and privacy information visit https://parenttv.com/terms and https://parenttv.com/privacy


Cost Investment for Workplaces

Total Cost of $1000+GST

Includes unlimited spots for your organisation to join this 3 week live bootcamp experience.


RSVP by 5th September 2024

For more information or to register your workplaces interest in this unique opportunity, please contact Poppy Griffiths, Director UnlimitU at poppy@unlimitu.com.au 

Invoice to confirm your organisations registration will be supplied upon RSVP.


Download 1 page Bootcamp Invitation to share details with your workplace


Poppy Griffiths is a professional high performance coach and Director of UnlimitU a high-performance coaching consultancy, which supports the inclusion of working parents, women in leadership and the mental wellbeing of teams. If you are interested in private or organisational coaching, group coaching workshops, or a high energy keynote, please get in touch. poppy@unlimitu.com.au 


Poppy is UnlimitU's founder and principal success coach. "Every human has more potential, hidden, held back or in the making"