#IWD2023 When everyone is included, everyone wins.
“When everyone is included, everyone wins” – Jesse Jackson
I am a big believer that equality belongs to no single person or ay one organisation, but to the collective efforts of all who care about advancing our workplaces and our world to become more inclusive.
#IWD belongs to everyone, everywhere, everyday
Tremendously proud of the calibre of teams, leaders and organisations that I personally (and UnlimitU) is so fortunate to partner with. These organisations are truly invested in supporting their people, their customers and our community to thrive. Committed to keep working at finding better, so everyone can grow and expand their possibilities.
A little message we popped together to inspire, because we believe when there is collective action, there is magic.
A big shout out and thank you to these 6 inspiring leaders & your forward-thinking organisations for sharing on their message and commitments towards equality.
In this video, we share each of these 6 individual’s messages this #IWD2023 and why equity is so important for their organisations, the inclusion initiatives they are most proud of, and their advice to share on and inspire commitment towards equity.
James Kelly, Managing Director, Lifestyle Communities
James says: “It has been a lifelong passion of mine, incubated through university, to ensure that any company I lead can make a difference to gender equality in Australia. At Lifestyle Communities, we are so proud that we are leading the way in the property development & real estate industries with over 70% females in our team across all areas.”
Kirstan Corben, Executive Director, Danny Frawley Centre, St Kilda Football Club
Kirstan says: “Know your values and what you stand for. Hold yourself to them, always. Surround yourself with great people and give them your trust. Working alongside the Frawley family & our loyal supporters, I am proud of the development of the new programs and services driving greater mental fitness outcomes for the community.”
Jess Noonan, Senior Principal Town Planner, Tract
Jess says: “In order to genuinely “crack the code” in terms of equality, we as planners and designers have a responsibility to ensure the places we plan for create a more inclusive world. DE&I is an important part of the Tract ethos whereby we seek to harness the strength that exists in the diversity of expertise of our colleagues. We consider that it’s pivotal that our workplaces are reflective of the communities that we plan and design for.”
Tom Bosna, Managing Director, Pinnacle Health Group
Tom says: “Don’t assume what people need, ask them. I have found this has been the most effective way to help others succeed. As a leader at Pinnacle Health Group with a workforce of 70% female, our commitment is our continued development of our work from anywhere policy to continue assisting working parents (especially Mothers!).”
Renata Sguario, Founder & CEO Maxme
Renata says: “Let’s embrace these changing times and finally crack the code to unlocking more helpful ways of thinking and doing one person at a time. Discovering the boundaries of our potential is one of the biggest gifts that we can make to ourselves and those we are privileged to lead.”
Paul Francis, Founder & CEO Readiness
Paul says: “Operate with empathy and understand that even if you haven’t walked in someone’s shoes, you can build a culture of safe communication so topics like inequity can be openly discussed by everyone. Providing an environment where workers can thrive will have tremendous culture and performance benefits for your business. Happiness is contagious, and the flow on effects to friends and family are priceless.”
#IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #Leadership #EveryoneNeedsToBeIn